All are welcome at Saint Monica

The sacred purpose of St. Monica Parish is to build a welcoming community of faith, creating missionary disciples who make God's love visible through service to others.

Mutually Shared Vision (Archdiocese of San Antonio)

Seeking to live in sacramental communion with one another, the Archdiocese of San Antonio exists to make disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ to prepare for the promise of Eternal Life.

Our parish was founded in 1960 and we serve the amazing people of Converse and surrounding area in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

We invite you to a Mass, one of our parish events, or praying in our chapel.

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Lent / Cauresma

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - Thursday, April 17, 2025

Lenten Masses | MisasdeCuaresma  Stations of the Cross |Via Crucis Lenten Penance Service | ServiciodePenitenciadeCuaresma
6:30 pm Daily Bilingual Mass Monday—Friday 
6:30 pm Misa Bilingüe lunes–viernes
6:00 pm Every Friday during Lent/ Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma Followed by Bilingual Mass
Thursday April 10th/Jueves 10 de Abril
12 Noon—2pm [For the Young at Heart (The Elderly) The sick and those who can’t drive at night]
6:30 pm For the community/Por la comunidad


General Information


“...This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” - Luke 22:19


9:30 am (Bilingual) Rosary at 9:00 am
5:30 pm Vigil (English)


7:30 am (English)
9:15 am (English) 
11 am  (English) 
1 pm  (Español)
3 pm ((Español)
5 pm (English)
7 pm  (Español)


Mon-Fri: 8:15 am (English)
Thursday 6:30pm (Bilingual)
Friday 6:30 pm (Bilingual)  except 1st Fri.
8:15 am (English)
7:00 pm (Español)


"...Return to me with all your heart"
- Joel 2:12

5:30 pm - 7pm
3:30 pm - 5:15 pm



Sanctuary Hours

The church will be open during the day from 8 am – 7 pm for personal prayer and Eucharistic adoration time.


Hours for adoration: Sunday at 8 pm to Saturday at 5 pm.

Please come by the office to get an entry code for after hours access.



Eucharist 2


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Parish News

Vacation Bible School - Summer 2025

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The Purpose of Lent

A Time of Renewal and Transformation

St Monica Serves

A way of Stewardship

Unlocking the Mystery of the Mass

Better understand to explain to others

Annulment Seekers

Looking for peace of conscience regarding a prior marriage?
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School News

Be a Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel Fund Your generous support assists:...Read more

Hope for the Future

This week’s parish second collection is for Hope for the...Read more

Daily Mass Readings

Lecturas diarias de misa

Catholic Culture - Liturgical Year

  • Mar. 22 Saturday of the Second Week of Lent, Weekday

    March 21, 2025 - 11:00pm
    The Roman Martyrology commemorates Blessed Clemens August von Galen, Bishop of Münster (1933-1946). Bishop Clemens was fiercely anti-Communist, and an outspoken opponent of the Stalinist regime. A strong nationalist who loved his homeland, his was known for his opposition to the Nazis, their programs and policies. He was a key opponent in the fight to end the Nazi program of "euthanasia", the murder of the old, the crippled, the ill. Created Cardinal–Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme on February 18, 1946.
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