St Monica School

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Guardian Angel Fund Your generous support assists:

  • Students who have financial needs
  • Grandparents who support STM Tuition
  • Families with emergency needs due to loss of job, loss of a parent, or medical emergencies
  • Target the $3500 cost to educate GAP

Donations can be confidential or honored. One-time donations are welcome or auto-draft options can be set up for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly amounts

Fondo de Ángeles de la Guarda Su generoso apoyo ayuda a:

  • Estudiantes que tienen necesidades financieras
  • Abuelos que apoyan la matrícula en la escuela Santa Mónica
  • Familias con necesidades de emergencia debido a la pérdida de trabajo, la pérdida de uno de los padres o emergencias médicas
  • Meta de $3500 la diferencia del costo para educar

Las donaciones pueden ser confidenciales u honradas. Las donaciones únicas son bienvenidas o las opciones de giro automático se pueden configurar para cantidades semanales, quincenales o mensuales

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All Parish Blog Posts

Christian Initiation Ministry Opportunities

Information Mtg July 28th & August 4th at 2:30 pm

Come to the LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat at St. Monica!!

Join us on Sept. 20-22! Register Today!!

Adult Confirmation Classes

Next cycle starting August 25th 2024


Bringing Your Marriage into the Church

Christian Initiation and You!

How does someone become Catholic?

The Bible Timeline®: The Story of Salvation

Dig Deeper into Salvation History!
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