For the reception of Holy Communion, kneeling is the long-standing tradition in our Latin Rite. However, standing is the common practice in most places today. When one receives standing, one is asked to make a specific act of adoration before receiving the Sacred Host or taking the Precious Blood. In the United States, the bishops have mandated a bow of the head as the uniform act of adoration. While waiting for the person in front of you to receive recollect yourself for a moment and bow your head as a gesture of adoration. Step up when it is your turn.
If receiving the Sacred Host on the tongue, one should fold one's hands. After saying ”Amen” in response to the minister of Holy Communion, the communicant should open the mouth wide and extend the tongue far enough so that the Sacred Host may be placed upon it without danger of falling. Please note that it is important to extend the tongue, not just open the mouth.
If receiving in the hand. Communion in the hand is allowed in the United States by decision of the American Bishops. If one is receiving in the hand the following is normative: upon approaching the minister of the Host extend the hands in the middle of the chest. The left hand is extended, with the right hand under the left in support (left handed persons may wish to place the left hand under the right). In essence, a throne is formed in the sign of an X-cross to receive the Sacred Host. The response of “Amen” is given to the proclamation “The Body of Christ,” and the Host is received. The individual should then step to the side and receive the Host carefully and reverently.
Refer to the "How to Receive Holy Communion" video to the right
It is unseemly to “pop” the Host into the mouth as one walks away. Remember “Who” you are receiving! Please use both hands to reduce the danger of dropping the host. If you cannot use of both hands (or whose hands are not perfectly clean for whatever reason) please receive on the tongue.
It is important we remember one does not have the right to receive Holy Communion as one pleases. One may only receive in the manner dictated by Church Law. Only those practicing Catholics who are in the state of grace may receive Holy Communion. Being in the state of grace means not having knowledge of having committed any mortal sins. Those who are not in the state of grace must first be reconciled to God and the Church by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) before presenting themselves for Holy Communion.