Parent Teaching Pages are easy-to-use guides that walk parents through teaching each lesson with step-by-step instructions, background information, and discussion starters. They are simplified versions of the Teaching Guides a catechist or teacher would use.
Las páginas de enseñanza para padres son guías fáciles de usar que guían a los padres en la enseñanza de cada lección con instrucciones paso a paso, información de fondo y temas para iniciar el debate. Son versiones simplificadas de las guías de enseñanza que utilizaría un catequista o un maestro.
The Roman Martyrology commemorates Blessed Clemens August von Galen, Bishop of Münster (1933-1946). Bishop Clemens was fiercely anti-Communist, and an outspoken opponent of the Stalinist regime. A strong nationalist who loved his homeland, his was known for his opposition to the Nazis, their programs and policies. He was a key opponent in the fight to end the Nazi program of "euthanasia", the murder of the old, the crippled, the ill. Created Cardinal–Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme on February 18, 1946.