Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation for Adults


Are you an adult seeking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Congratulations! Through this Sacrament your life in the Spirit will be strengthen and enriched! The Archdiocese provides several opportunities per year for adult Catholics (18+) to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Because this sacrament is so intimately united to the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, persons wishing to be confirmed must:

Contact Timo Zepeda Christian Initiation Coordinator [email protected] and review next steps below.

Next Steps:

  • If not already done, submit an “Adult Confirmation Interest form” below

What is the Journey?

General Information


Session Start Date End Date Location Time
Fall 2024 (EN) 25 Aug 2024 24 Nov 2024 Parish Hall - Bauman Room 2:30 -4:30 pm
Spring 2025 (EN) 5 Jan 2025

13 April 2025

Parish Hall - Bauman Room

2:30 -4:30 pm



Session 1: What do you Seek?

Doctrine: Desire for God - Faith/Response to God

Session 2: How does God reveal himself?

Doctrine: Divine Revelation - Sacred Scripture & Tradition

Session 3: Why a God?

Doctrine: Existince of God & The Trinity

Session 4: How do we speak with God?

Doctrine: Introduction to Prayer

Session 5: What is our Story and how do we fit?

Doctrine: Creation, The Fall and Salvation History (Kerygma)

Session 6: Who is Jesus?

Doctrine: The Incarnation and Life of Christ

Session 7: Why a Church? Encounters with Christ Pt 1

Doctrine: The Church; What is a Sacrament?

Session 8: Encounters with Christ Pt 2

Doctrine: The Sacraments of Initiation

Session 9: Encounters with Christ Pt 3

Doctrine: The Sacraments of Healing & Service

Session 10: How do we Worship? What is Liturgy?

Doctrine: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Session 11: How do we Worship? Liturgy of Word

Doctrine: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 

Session 12: How do we Worship? Liturgy of Eucharist

Doctrine: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 

Session 13: How to follow Christ? Pt 1

Doctrine: Dignity of the Human Person - Christian Morality

Session 14: How to follow Christ? Pt 2

Doctrine: Dignity of the Human Person - Christian Morality

Retreat / Called & Sent

Doctrine: Call to vocation, ministry and Eucharistic life - Live a life of servce & involvement your parish

The role of a sponsor is to assist the baptized to lead a Christian life and faithfully fulfill the obligations connected to it.  They should be designated by the one to be confirmed, by the parents (as applicable), or in their absence, by the pastor. The requirements regarding sponsors for Confirmation are the same as for godparents in Baptism.

  • A sponsor must be a confirmed and practicing Catholic at least sixteen years of age

  • Not bound by any canonical penalty

  • Not be the parent or stepparent of the one being confirmed

  • “It is desirable that the godparent at Baptism also be the sponsor at

    Confirmation...” to express more clearly the relationship between Baptism and Confirmation; and to make the duty and function of the sponsor more effective. Ideally, the sponsor should be available and involved with the candidate in a significant way to be able to offer an authentic example of lived Christian faith.

  • It is generally not advisable for a fiancé, boyfriend, or girlfriend, to serve as a sponsor since these could be temporary relationships.

  • So long as they meet all requirements, a spouse may serve as a sponsor.

Certificate to serve as a Sponsor Form

  1. The use of a saint’s name for the rite of Confirmation is optional. If appropriate, the confirmandi may use their baptismal name. They should understand that a saint’s name is chosen for the saint to be a model and intercessor. 


St Monica Map

Confirmation Class Schedule

Adult Confirmation (EN)

March 16, 2025 - 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Adult Confirmation (EN)

March 23, 2025 - 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Adult Confirmation (EN)

March 30, 2025 - 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Adult Confirmation Interest (St Monica, Converse, TX)

Name of Person
Enter Name of Person interested and/or Seeking Sacraments (Adult or Child)
Parent Contact Information
Personal Information
This information is for the person who is seeking Sacraments (adult or child)