Lent / Cauresma
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - Thursday, April 17, 2025
Lenten Masses | MisasdeCuaresma | Stations of the Cross |Via Crucis | Lenten Penance Service | ServiciodePenitenciadeCuaresma |
6:30 pm Daily Bilingual Mass Monday—Friday
6:30 pm Misa Bilingüe lunes–viernes
6:00 pm Every Friday during Lent/ Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma Followed by Bilingual Mass |
Thursday April 10th/Jueves 10 de Abril
12 Noon—2pm [For the Young at Heart (The Elderly) The sick and those who can’t drive at night]
6:30 pm For the community/Por la comunidad
USCCB resources
Include an interactive calendar, printable calendars of Lenten ideas in English and Español, saints for the Lenten season, information on penitential practices, fasting, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and much, much more.