Christian Initiation adapted for children (sometimes referred to as children’s catechumenate) is the process for Unbaptized Children:
Ages 7+ through age 17th
to enter the church fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).  

Goal: The Christian Initiation process is not only about teaching the facts of our Catholic faith, but primarily: 

  • Fostering a relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Expect something to happen and celebrate it in ritual. 
  • Immerse the children/families in the community  

The Christian Initiation adapted for children sessions are held on weekly basis and are conducted family style – at least one parent must accompany the child(ren) at all sessions. 
Christian Initiation process consists of four phases:

  • Precatechumenate (Inquiry)
  • Period of Catechumenate (At least one Liturgical Year)
  • Purification and Enlightenment (during Lent)
  • Mystagogy (Post Easter Vigil through Pentecost, and through following Easter)


Next Steps:

The Role of the Family

The Christian initiation team at this parish is here to guide, teach, and support you and your child(ren) as members of your family prepare for the sacraments.  

It is essential to keep in mind the Church has always considered "Parents are the principal and first educators of their children." CCC 1653 in the work of forming thier childrens faith.

The role of parents in thier children's spiritual formation is therefore of critical importance.  The work of this parish's Christian initation team is to assist you, not to replace you.  

As part of this process we ask you to read a brief section of the Catchism of the Catholic Church para 2196-2233.  You can find the links below

2197-2200 The Fourth Commandment | EL CUARTO MANDAMIENTO

2201-2206 The Family in God's PlanLa familia en el plan de Dios

2207-2213 The Family and SocietyLa familia y la sociedad

2214-2231 The Duties of Family MembersDeberes de los miembros de la familia

2232-2233 The Family and the KingdomLa familia y el reino de Dios

Christian Initiation Adapted For Children & Teens Information


Inquiry ( Inquirers)                    Begin with Inquiry Process

Asking questions about the church, mass, things that they’ve seen people doing at chruch, etc. Can last anywhere from 3 months to 1 year. Inquiry process will include both parents and children.                                                                                     


Ends with Rite of Acceptance            Who’s ready to move on?

Celebrate the Rite of Acceptance more than once a year (pending).  Children will celebrate in the larger community with the adults

Family Interview: A date/time will be set for an Interview with the RCIA Team who will meet with each family individually.  Through their discussion during this interview, we will determine if the children/family is ready to take this first public step.  Children who show a general lack of interest or enthusiasm, or who have missed a significant number of sessions, should continue in the inquiry stage.   

Celebrate Rite of Acceptance:  date to be determined  

Rite of Acceptance Ceremony Outline

  • Receiving the Children
  • Children express their intention
  • Affirmation by the Parents (Sponsors) and the Assembly
  • Signing of the Candidates with the cross
  • Signing of the other senses
  • Invitation to Celebration of the Word of God
Catechumenate (At least one Liturgical Year) after Rite of Acceptance

    DISMISSALS with Breaking Open the Word                      

    When the children enter the Catechumenate, they will begin attending the 9:15 Mass for the Rite of Dismissal and “breaking open” the Word. 

    The Dismissals for children will begin following the Rite of Acceptance..  The family attends Mass.  Children sit with their family and are dismissed after the homily.  Parents join children at end of Mass. Weekly Instruction will occur based on normal schedule. 

    Ends with Rite of Election

    Children preparing for the Rite of Election or their parents need to choose one or two godparents. Sponsor (parent) is expected to attend the Rite of Election, and the godparent(s) at the celebration of the sacraments of initatiation at the Easter Vigil.               

    Rite of Election for children will be celebrated during Lent 

    The RCIA allows for a separate Rite for the children focused on the children for richer meaning. 


    Rite of Election Ceremony Outline: celebrated with the Bishop 

    • Presentation of the Catechumens
    • Affirmation by the parents, godparents and assembly
    • Invitation and Enrollment of Names
    • Act of admission or Election
    • Recognition of the godparents

    Post Rite of Election

    • What is Lent
    • Scrutinizes – taking a hard look at evil and the Church community prays for deliverance and freedom from evil
    • Reception of Nicene Creed
    • Deeper connection with Community/laity
    • Reception of Lord’s Prayer
    • Meaning of Holy Week
    1. The scrutinies are rites for self-searching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose.  The scrutinies are meant to uncover then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect, to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good.
    2. These penitential rites are major occasions in their catechumenate.  They are held within a celebration of the word of God as a kind of scrutiny.    
    3. The conditions for their celebration is that the children are approaching the maturity of faith and understanding requisite for baptism.
    4. The children and their godparents participate in the celebration of these penitential rites. 
    5. The penitential rites or scrutinies are celebrated the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays during Lent.  At least one penitential rite is to be celebrated.

    Outline for Scrutiny:

    • Prayer
    • Readings
    • Homily Intercessions
    • Anointing with the Oil of Catechumens (or Laying on of Hands)
    • Dismissal of the children


    Practice & Eucharist Retreat:  To prepare for the Easter Vigil Service, the children and parents will attend a Family Eucharist Retreat

    1. Practice for the reception of First Communion will be done with the children at the retreat.

    Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation

    EASTER VIGIL CEREMONY: (Holy Saturday) & Preparation Rites

    Full Initiation: Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist

    Outline of Celebration of Sacraments:

    • Invitation to Prayer
    • Celebration of Baptism
    • Profession of Faith
    • Baptism
    • Celebration of Confirmation
    • Liturgy of the Eucharist



    1. A period of post-baptismal catechesis is provided to assist the young neophytes (newly initiated)
    2. The children gather together during their class sessions to discuss their experience of the Easter Vigil. 
    3. Catechesis and preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will happen during this period.
    4. Children are to continue their ongoing faith formation by attending Religious Education classes each year.
    Christian Initiation for Youth (7yrs old to 13 yrs old)  (Non-Baptized)
    Wednesdays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
    Bauman Room in Parish Hall


    Teens (High School)

    Sunday's 12:30 pm to 2:00pm

    St Monica Map

    Upcoming Events

    Christian Initiation -Teens

    Nov 24 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm

    Christian Initiation - Youth

    Nov 27 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

    Christian Initiation -Teens

    Dec 1 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm

    Christian Initiation - Youth

    Dec 4 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

    Christian Initiation -Teens

    Dec 8 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm