Gospel Weeklies - Parent Teaching Pages

Parent Teaching Pages are easy-to-use guides that walk parents through teaching each lesson with step-by-step instructions, background information, and discussion starters. They are simplified versions of the Teaching Guides a catechist or teacher would use.

Las páginas de enseñanza para padres son guías fáciles de usar que guían a los padres en la enseñanza de cada lección con instrucciones paso a paso, información de fondo y temas para iniciar el debate. Son versiones simplificadas de las guías de enseñanza que utilizaría un catequista o un maestro.

Link to Parent Teaching Pages | Enlace a las páginas de enseñanza para padres

Catholic Culture - Liturgical Year

  • Mar. 23 Third Sunday of Lent, Sunday

    March 22, 2025 - 11:00pm
    For the Third Sunday of Lent there is an option to read Luke 13:1-9 for the Cycle C instead of the Samaritan Woman at the Well.
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Catholic Kids Media (Sunday Readings)

The Burning Bush and the Figless Tree! Lent 3C

Lecturas dominicales de Catholic Kids Media

¡La zarza ardiente y la higuera sin higos! Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma, año C

Enter Gods Presence (2nd Sun Lent) [Age 8-12]

Grow Holy in Lent - Ep26: The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree - 3rd Sunday in Lent

Jesus Shines in Lent - Little Liturgies [Age 4-8]

Grow with Jesus in Lent // Little Liturgy for the Third Sunday of Lent

Resources To Prepare for Sunday Eucharist

Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day