Salvation History and the Bible
The Bible can seem intimidating to just pick and read from beginning to the end.
However, there are 14 narrative books of the Bible that tell the "story" of Salvation.
Narrative Books of Bible (USCCB links) |
Genesis | Exodus | Numbers | Joshua | Judges | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Kings | Ezra | Nehemiah | 1 Maccabees | Luke | Acts |
Based on Ascension Press Bible Timeline Chart
The Official 365 Day Reading Plan for The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The Bible in 10 Minutes (feat. Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Salvation HIStory (Resources & Video)
USCCB- Understanding the Bible
Catholics and the Bible (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-What is the Bible? 1hr 15 min
Audio-How to Read the Bible 1hr 19min
Audio-The Old Testament 1hr 16 min
Audio-The World of the New Testament 1hr 19min
Audio- The New Testament 1hr 19min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: The Color of the earth viewed from space
Early World (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Genesis (Chapter 1-11)
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to the Early World (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-The Creation of the World - 1hr 19 min
Audio-The Early World - 1hr 14 min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: God’s Blood covenant with Abraham
Patriarchs (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Genesis (Chapter 12-50)
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Audio-Abraham, Our Father - 1hr 18 min
Audio-The Patriarchs - 1hr 12 min
Introduction to the Patriarchs (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: The Red Sea
Egypt and Exodus (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to Egypt & Exodus (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: The Color of the Desert
Desert Wanderings (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to Desert Wanderings (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: The green hills of Canaan
Conquest and Judges (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Joshua, Judges and 1 Samuel (Chapter 1-8)
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to Conquest & Judges (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-The Rise of the Kingdom 1hr 18min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Color of royalty
Royal Kingdom (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon
Introduction to the Royal Kingdom (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-The Kingdom of David 1hr 18min
Audio-Wise King Solomon 1hr 17min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Israel’s darkest period
Divided Kingdom (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
1 Kings (Chapter 12-22)
2 Kings (Chapter 1-16)
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to the Divided Kingdom (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-The Divided Kingdom 1hr 17min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Judah “singing the blues” in Bablyon
Exile (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
2 Kings (Chapter 17-25)
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
During the 70 year Exile
Audio-Conquest and Exile 1hr 16min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Judah returning home to brighter days
Return (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Introduction to the Return (with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-A Remnant Returns 1hr 18min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Fire in the oil lamps in the purified Temple
Maccabean Revolt (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
100 years between Old and New Testements
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
2 Maccabees
Wisdom of Solomon
Introduction to the Maccabean Revolt ( with Jeff Cavins)
Audio-Revolt of the Maccabees 1hr 14min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: Gifts of the Magi
Messianic Fulfillment - Gospel of Luke (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
Messianic Checkpoint - Gospel of Matthew (the Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Messianic Checkpoint - Gospel of Mark (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Messianic Checkpoint - Gospel of John (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Audio-The World of the New Testament 1hr 19min
Audio- The New Testament 1hr 19min
Audio-The Incarnation 1hr 19min
Audio-What Jesus Did 1hr 17 min
Audio-What Jesus Taught 1hr 19min
Audio-The Cup of Consummation 1hr 19min
Audio-The Resurrection 1hr 18min
Audio-Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament 1hr 14min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension
Theme: The spotless Bride of Christ
The Church (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Timeline Books:
Other Books of the Bible during this timeline:
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Audio-The Birth of the Church 1hr 19min
Audio-Reaching Out to All Nations 1hr 19min
Audio-Paul, An Apostle 1hr 18min
Audio-The New Kingdom 1hr 19min
Audio-The Catholic Church in Scripture 1hr 17min
Audio-The End of History 1hr 19min
Audio content from Understanding the Scripture Podcast or The Bible in a Year by Ascension